PR’s everywhere

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.”
– Ken Blanchard

Are you committed or interested? Only you truly know the answer.

Group warm up:
20 Burpees
20 Sit ups
20 Push ups

Mobility:Roll the hammies

One rep max sumo deadlift

EMOM 10 minutes
3×135/95 power clean
6×70/52 sumo deadlift highpull
9x 24/20 box jumps

If you cannot get every minute, then the workout becomes an AMRAP.

Ready for some more swimming fun? Pool tonight and the workout kicks off at 8:00 sharp. Be a few minutes early so we can start on time. It’s going to take a few minutes. See you there.