
Yes more, Smolov, Jr for benches.

So far, so good. But be ready for this to sneak up on you just like the squatting cycle did. Avoid the setback of the fatigue shutdown by acknowledging that it can happen before it happens and you may fend off the mental suck that can occur if you’re not ready.

And be tough. And eat properly. And sleep properly. And take naps because naps are good…really good.

Here is a quick post from a guy I follow occasionally name Pat Flynn. He’s kettle bell specific, but has some good info. And because we are doing a strength progression, enjoy the info.

“1. For strength you need to lift a lot (frequently) and sometimes a lot (very heavy).

2. There is no secret to it, no trick, no easy solution—just practice, practice, practice, practice, practice.

3. Strength comes on slow, but stays for a long time. Once you earn it, it’s yours. And if you do lose it, heaven forbid, well it’s like riding a bike, and will come back quicker and easier the second time around, than it took you to gain it the first.

4. Strength is very specific. What you practice is what you get strong at. The idea of “carryover” strength is largely, largely exaggerated. Back squats won’t give you bigger, stronger biceps, I’m sorry to say.

5. The biggest strength gains come from the biggest movements. So push, pull, hinge, squat, and carry. That is, military press, pull up, deadlift, front squat, Turkish get up, and hanging leg raise.

6. Strength should be a priority. Do it first, and while fresh. Let everything else come after.

7. Strength is tension, not bulk. It comes more from the efficiency of the manager (your central nervous system), not the size of your factory (the muscles).

8. Everybody can be strong. Everybody SHOULD be strong.

9. Physical strength is a personality multiplier. It makes cool people cooler, and assholes bigger assholes. But people who are TRULY strong, aren’t dicks. They use their strength to help others along, not put them down.”

Smolov, Jr. Cycle
Week 1, Day 2
Bench Press
7×5 at 75% of 1 RM
