Nice Job

Bill and Tammy both completed their first Imogene Pass run. It has been rumored that Bill completed and filmed burpees at the top of the pass. I guess the uphill and the altitude wasn’t enough for our local tough-guy. We’ll try and get a copy and post it here for all to see.

Nice job guys, and congratulations on accomplishing your goal. We knew you’d do it in fine fashion.

3 replies
  1. Faith
    Faith says:

    Congratulations Tammy and Bill! What a great accomplishment! Enjoy some much needed rest for your body. We are so proud that you manned up to represent Hypoxia Gym for us, so we didn’t have to 🙂

  2. Temple
    Temple says:

    Way to go! Can’t wait to see the video.

    Hey, wouldn’t that be a great video for youtube, the whole gym up on top of Imogene doing our workout, nothing by mountain tops in the background. We would be legends in our own minds. Anyone else game? If so, can I get a ride.

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