Ouch. That left a mark…

So today, we:
Front Squat 3-3-3 at 75% of one rep max

Four rounds for time
10 Russian KB swings 70/52
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups
10 Floor wipers

And if you didn’t make to the Olympic lifting class, do you know what you missed? You missed, speed and power. And strength. And form practice.

Muscle up practice via Carl Paoli of Gymnastic WOD
7 x 2 hang snatch high pull x 1 hang squat snatch
7 x 3 snatch grip behind the neck press
And as a topping:
10 x 5 Russian KB Swings

How is your snatch, clean…and for that matter, how is your power? Want more power? It takes more practice. Did you get yours today? If not, you should consider our Olympic lifting class.