10 replies
  1. jd
    jd says:

    Oh jeez – see this is why i don’t flex for people….. I turned red the second I saw this and had to walk away from the computer.

  2. alan
    alan says:

    Face it Janet. You are a badass. Now you see what the rest of us see. Great job, great work, great nutrition, and great results. AND, it only gets harder. Just like your guns.

  3. Laurie
    Laurie says:


    and ditto what Pacie, Faith and Alan said…

    Holy shit you are amazing!

  4. temple de sayulta
    temple de sayulta says:

    damn girl, what have you been eating while ive been away. you look fabulous as always and you have earned every compliment that comes your way. miss you and the rest of my hypoxia peeps. adios.

  5. PornStar
    PornStar says:

    Yes, inquiring minds want to know!! What HAVE you been eating?? Can we just publish your daily food log??? 🙂

  6. jd
    jd says:

    red redder reddest! People! You really don’t want to know what I eat – especially when I am working at the store and there are all sorts of carb-loaded treats singing their siren songs to an easily tempted gal like myself….. I have been trying very hard to stay on the wagon since my cook went South of the Border for some much deserved (?) R&R…

    Thank you for the kind words. I’m just doing the same thing everyone else is doing at the gym – getting my pulse elevated and my ass kicked 5x/week….and lovin’ every minute of it. 🙂

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