3 replies
  1. solista
    solista says:

    There is a misguided notion out there that calluses are a good thing. The truth is that if you have a hard spot on your skin and then expose it to friction it will grip will your hands still rotate on the bar; hence, the foto. Keep you hands soft and shave your dead skin off. Or you could use Vasoline. It will reduce your numbers and get your grip stronger but your ego will suffer. You really have to ask yourself why you’re doing it.

  2. LdT
    LdT says:

    I think that picture was taken my first week into the journey, I had soft tender skin, much like my tight firm bottom. I am and avid sander now and have been tear free since. Vasoline, I thought I saw a jar in one of your videos. I’ll have to give that a try.

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