Sage Advice

“Make sure you go in the first group, even if it means you have to cheat.”  Advice from one person to another regarding whether to go in the first wave or not.  The downside to watching is that feeling that you are going to crap your pants while watching the efforts of others.

The second piece of advice comes from Skip Chase of Mt. Baker CrossFit.  This was posted on FaceBook yesterday.  Skip was one of the first CrossFit affiliates and is on a mission.  His brother passed away in his early forties due to poor health: diabetes.  Skip’s mission is to help everyone he can, knowing that eating right and being fit leads to good health and quality of life:

“A Coach is not your brother, not your friend, not your cheerleader, not your bud, not your daddy. The Coach pushes you beyond your wildest imagination of accomplishing what you never considered accomplishing. The Coach drives you beyond your negative self talk that is telling you, you can’t do it…you have to stop, you can’t go on; but you do, because the Coach drives you through it, in spite of yourself.”

Thanks, Skip.  Good, honest, and true words.  Want us to leave you alone and let you suffer silently through the workout?  We could do that, but we wouldn’t be giving you our best.  And you wouldn’t be nearing  your potential and giving one hundred percent.  Each of you is more capable than you think.

If you get upset when we push you for one more rep, for form that is one step closer to perfection, or ask you to work your weakness, get over yourself and ask why you are in the gym.  Are you seeking comfort?  Mediocrity?  Good enough?  Nope, that’s not why you’re here.  Face it.  What we do in the gym is too hard to just show up and be average.  You seek a limit, a feeling, a chemical rush.  Whatever it is, we help you get there because we see what you can’t.  Don’t misunderstand.  Not all days are PR days and we see that as well.

Find what you seek.  Kill your Coward.IMG_6487

Fight Gone Bad

One minute at each station, followed by one minute rest: three rounds.

Wall ball, Sumo deadlift high pull, Box jump, push press, and row.

Score is total reps.  Did you miss today?  What is your reason for missing?  Did you choose to miss the workout or did life get in the way?  IMG_6492

4 replies
  1. PornStar
    PornStar says:

    Call Me Out
    Push me, challenge me
    Call me out if you see
    Form lacking, precision slacking
    Clock is ticking, pressure stacking

    Correct me, perfect me
    I cannot fix what I cannot see
    Harsh and brutal, no shortcuts
    No excuses, ifs ands or buts

    Focus me, drive me
    The desire is inside me
    Blisters heal and tears will dry
    Have no mercy-let nothing by

    Coach me, guide me
    You can see what I want to be
    Body’s changing, getting stronger
    Leaner, faster and lasting longer

    Push me, challenge me
    Call me out if you see
    I am here cause I believe
    Three, two, one! Go HARD – or leave.

    My body, mind and spirit thank you, Hypoxia!

  2. Faith
    Faith says:

    That is awesome Porn Star! Thank you for sharing it with us. You are such a strong and energetic person and you motivate others with your positive attitude. We appreciate you. I appreciate you!

  3. Pacie
    Pacie says:

    Well said Porn Star! To think after that workout you had the energy left to write a damn good poem. You’re awesome. Thanks for the ride last night. I think I accidentally stole your hair tie. Sorry! I’ll leave it on the white board at the gym. 🙂

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