Super Terrific

Soon after we begin CrossFitting, we see what we think are super human performances and workouts that look impossible.  We hear things about tasting plasma, efforts that take more time to recover from than the actual workout.  Some of us think we get that concept without having experienced it.  Others of us think, “that’s just crazy.”

Then you experience one of the physical and mental breakthrough’s and have that moment where you think, “oh, that’s what they were talking about.”

The ability to repeatedly go back to those dark and painful places is what makes you fitter, faster, and stronger.  We saw a lot of that this week.

We purposely scheduled a week in which a lot of soul searching and muscle soreness was the order of business.  Everyone found someone new inside themselves, and we are proud to be associated with all of you.

How do we know?  Between the cussing and not smiling, we heard a few gems.

“I own these pullups, now.”

“It’s just skin.”

“I am my own F&*@ing hero.”

“I can’t believe I could finish that.”

You are each more capable of more than you think.  You are all human, achieving super human performances.  And the work, the excellence you achieve at the gym shows in all you do outside the gym.

So way to go!  We knew you could do it.  And now, so do you.

What do we do here?  We help you Kill Your Coward Within.   And guess what?  Now, not only to we expect more…so do you.  See you soon.img_35851img_35421

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