The Fruit of our Labor

The CrossFit Total.  Today was the big day where we test how much sKronger we have gotten over the past five months on our strength program.  We initially tested using the Total and we did it again today.

EVERYONE had pr’s on their lifts today, and many of you had three!  Great job seeing how the effort, focus, and diligence paid off today.

Everyone did great, however, I would like to point out that Paul added 75 pounds to his squat.  That’s right, 75 pounds.  Who says someone in their 60’s can’t have a 300 pound squat?  No one around here!

CrossFit Total

Three attempts at a one rep max.  Add all together for one number: this is your total.




We’re proud of all of you.

2 replies
  1. Paul
    Paul says:

    thanks muchly…. I think I somewhat “wore myself out” on squats and just didn’t have much left for dead lift. I have been dreaming of increasing dead lift – but didn’t increase any pounds – BUT – realized later that when I did 325# months ago, I BARELY got it up – was shaking and trembling all the way, etc. I realized a few hours later that this time, I bent over, grabbed the bar and lifted it with not much strain – so I think that is quite a change. Thanks. This is all neat. Seeing everyone increasing is really neat!

  2. Faith
    Faith says:

    The board was mighty impressive yesterday! I can’t believe how many PRs there were. It is nice to see all that hard work pay off. Congrats to all of you for doing the work and sticking with the program. Looking forward to seeing the bench numbers on Thursday!

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