Bridal Veil Challenge

This bit of entertainment is the brainchild of Kevin Koprek.  He happens to be guiding back to back Vinson trips right now, but his spirit lives on.

The BV challenge. Start in front of Backstreet Bistro. Use any human powered means to get to base of Bridal Veil climb. Climb the route to the top (both people). Rap the route. Then come back to Ouray by any human powered means. The clock stops when you check in with the bartender at OBrien’s Pub, and finish one whiskey each. Post your team & time on the Hypoxia web page. Don’t forget to give the name of the Bartender who served your whiskey. You must post your outing within one day of finishing. Feel free to try multiple times with multiple partners.


Thats right, for those who don’t know,  getting over Imogene from Backstreet to Telluride entails about 17 miles, one way, and you top 13, 000 ft en route.

Anybody?  Anybody?  First on the board will be…

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