Week two, day one

Here we are again with more one rep max lifts. You may have noticed that we have been getting a lot of one rep efforts recently. There are some very good reasons for us doing this. Perhaps the best reason for doing so is that we are trying to get sKrong, and Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell and the only guy to total Elite in five different weight classes told us how to do it. From a recent email from Louie, “Remember, ME (max effort)day is
where you get stronger, where the intensity is highest 100%+ and the volume is low which is the opposite of speed day.”

So, do what Louie says and get stronger, or even sKronger. Form is always first. And just so we’re clear, why stronger? It’s always good to be strong. The easier it is to move a standard weight, the faster you move it, the quicker the workout, and all of this means you do more work in less time. At the end of the day, that is our goal. More work in less time. CrossFit.

Warm up: two times, not for time
row 200 meters
20 push ups
20 sit ups
100 single jump rope jumps
5 ring dips

Rollie ball on your pec
Bands on your shoulders

Then: One rep max weighted dip

Then: AMRAP 7 minutes
15 diamond push ups
10 superman/supergirl
15 sit ups

Be ready for tomorrow.