12 Days of Christmas

Today we celebrated with a 12 days of Christmas workout. Rumor has it, we have an 8 days of Chanukah WOD coming up next week! Whoo hoo!

1 Cartwheel
2 Burpees
3 Push ups
4 Walking lunges
5 Box jumps
6 Ring rows
7 R kb swings
8 Roll up squats
9 Slam balls
10 Push press
11 Mountain climbers
12 Sledgehammer hits

Do 1 cartwheel. Then 2 burpees, one cartwheel. Then 3 push ups, 2 burpees, 1 cartwheel. Etc, just like the song!

And Happy Festivus today! Thanks to all our members that come and share their feats of strength with us all year. Next year we will have to have a special Festivus workout….

2 replies
  1. Lindsay
    Lindsay says:

    Had my sister inlaw and her husband participate in 12 days of Christmas in my father inlaw’s boat building. Modifications: ring rows on a tree branch, slam balls with a flat basketball, push press with some long crobar type thing, KB with an old anchor and even had the sledgehammer tire hits! Brother in law couldn’t raise his arms over his head after that one. They are sold!

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