3, 2, 1…


It’s nutrition challenge time. Below you will see the outline of what we are suggesting for those interested in participating. If you begin tomorrow, you will be done in time to have a guilt-free Thanksgiving meal with family and friends.

For this challenge, you can wade in shallow or deep. I know some are planning on trying something a bit different. If you are paleo-ish, try a zone diet where you weigh and measure. If you’re eating zone quantity food now, try going gluten and/or dairy free. Don’t know what to do? Ask us and we can help you get something on paper. The most important thing to do is…something. Come on people, it’s 28 days. You can do anything for 28 days. How many days have you been alive? What percentage is 28 to the total? Invest in your fuel and see if it makes a change.

If you’re feeling really sparky, you can continue the challenge for the 28 days following this first 28. What do you have to lose? Weight? Fat?

Pre-holiday nutrition challenge

Fresh vegetables, lean meats, nuts and seeds, little fruit, little starch, no sugar. That is the standard list. We will add: little salt and coffee or tea in moderation.

Name ___________________

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Rules for Nutrition challenge.

Determine your level of commitment first.

Decide on the foods (not too many!) that will be your allowances.

Look at your calendar. Is there a special event that will take place during the challenge? If so, include this on your allowances page.

Now you need to analyze the allowances. How often will you include them in your diet, and how much of them? Set parameters!

Decide if you are going to journal all your food or not. Usually there is greater success if you journal, especially if you are significantly altering your diet. Journaling also allows you, or someone else, to compare how you are feeling and your results.

If one of your goals is to lose weight, then you can weigh yourself at the beginning and end (only). Do not weigh yourself during the challenge! This is about getting healthy and feeling good, not obsessing about a scale. Body transformation is more important than your weight. The better method of tracking is to go see Jason Bojar and get a body composition test and you will see the swapping of pounds in the fat and muscular categories.

Do not change the guidelines that you set during the challenge. Stick to what you set, so plan accordingly!

If you eat something you shouldn’t, acknowledge it, and then move on. Do not obsess about it and harbor guilt.

Remember that this is YOUR diet, for YOU! Do not make other people feel guilty for eating a French fry. Do not be a pain in the ass to those around you!