A 3…2…1 WOD

Absolutely awesome morning at the box! To help us recover from the CrossFit Games Open, we did this little number on a grey and dreary morning here in Ouray. Thanks to all who came out to play. Really was fun, other than the jackass that came up with this damn WOD ;).

Warm Up:
10 Push Ups
10 Squats
5 Ring Dips
Weighted Lunge Steps (across gym and back)

Standing forward bend
Butterfly stretch
PVC pass-through
Handstand hold/pull up hang

12 Ball Slams 20 lb./12 lb.
12 Sit Ups
12 Body Blasters (burpee -> pull up -> knees to elbow)

Rest 2 minutes

9 Ball Slams 20 lb./12 lb.
9 Sit Ups
9 Body Blasters

Rest 1 minute

6 Ball Slams 20 lb./12 lb.
6 Sit Ups
6 Body Blasters

Cash Out:
10 Stone to Shoulder
50 Double Unders