A Smoke-Free Sunday at the Park

Nice of the winds to change directions enough to clear out some of the haze and smoke that lingered over Ouray the past few days. We were worried we’d have to get inside for today’s WOD but, never fear, outside was clear!

Holy crap, that last line rhymed. I’m freaking awesome at this.

A yogi at ParkFit?!? WTF? I didn't know they did that stuff.

A yogi at ParkFit?!? WTF? I didn’t know they did that stuff.

Great group and WOD today … fun was had … by some.

Run 200
30 Push Ups
Run 200
Weighted Lunge Steps across park
Run 200
30 Ball Slams
Run 200
Weighted Lunge Steps across park
Run 200
15 Push Ups
Run 200
15 Ball Slams
Run 400

Poor Khris ... he was too weak to make the balloons break on Brian and I. Maybe he should return to the cult?

Poor Khris … he was too weak to make the balloons break on Brian and I. Maybe he should return to the cult?