Another fun Friday

Nice job today. The 8:15 class walked in to see Suzanne doing Isabel, sub four minutes, just two days from sea level. Whew! What is Isabel? For the ladies, 95# snatch, 30 reps for time. Pretty darn fun to watch. We were expecting her time to be about 15% off her sea level time, and it was close. Still, fun to watch.

And the fun for today…

Warm up: two times
10 push ups
15 jumping squats
10 toes to bar
10 push press 35/45
Plus 300 single jump rope jumps

PNF hammies and rollie ball in the hammies

225/145 deadlift
Russian kettlebell swings
sit ups

Great job today, and thank to Don for helping again and Suzanne for working out with us.