
It was asked in the 6am class if I had something against everyone’s legs and butts today.  Nope.  But a name was born.

Mobility: rollie ball on your feet, hams, and glutes

For Time:

100 Russian KB swings 70/52

100 squats

50 bodyweight deadlift


And we  had the good fortune to meet Bravo yesterday.  During his visit he showed us some of his skills.  Eventually, he assumed the position and had to be arrested.  Bravo, crime doesn’t pay!

7 replies
  1. Ruth
    Ruth says:

    Interestingly enough this one didn’t hurt at all (after the fact. It sucked plenty during!) My back is a little tight and tired feeling but not sore at all. Woot!

  2. solista
    solista says:

    enough of the ouchy grouchies! be thankful you have two legs and aren’t dead.
    what exercise is the dog doing? Someone call mcgruff, he’s ready to be frisked.

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