Holy Smoked!

Warm up:  row for form, two to five minutes.  Burgener warm up.  Weighted Burgener warm up.

Mobility:  sit in squat for one minute.  Rollie ball on your feet.


AMRAP 15 minutes:

7 hang power clean 95/65

7 thrusters 95/65

7 burpees


How’s your food?  How’s your performance?  Are you having fun?  Are you taking advantage of winter?  What are your goals?

If you are taking the running drills class, are you practicing your drills?  Just remember that you won’t get better without practicing your drills to become better at your skills.  Make sure you’re having fun.  After all, it’s why you work hard to live in such a beautiful place…right?

2 replies
  1. Martha
    Martha says:

    I need to seriously work on my workout facial expressions. Wait a minute. One has to breath on burpees. It is all about the timing of the photographer.

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