The Bear

Yep.  The Bear.  Move more than you did September 7, 2010 when we last performed the task.

Seven times equals one round.  Complete five rounds, increase the weight each round.

Nice extension on the clean!

Many had PR’s today and many pushed the limits of fear to get there.  One of the best things about being around the gym is watching people exceed their preset limitations every day.  “Finding the possible by doing the impossible” is the quote I think of when this occurs.  Some days the PR is just showing up to the gym.  Keep it going guys, you all make us proud to be associated with you.

Then, 100 Russian Kettlebell Swings 52/70.  30 seconds on 30 seconds off.  As few rounds as possible.  We are continuing to use the swing as a great tool to increase our power and endurance.

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