CF Open starts this week!

Have you signed up?  What are you waiting for?  Go to the CF games website and get yourself signed up!

The first workout will be announced this Wednesday.  We will do it as a group on Sunday.  If you know that you will have a conflict for the Sunday time, please let us know ahead of time.  These workouts require strict judging, so we will need a one on one judge to athlete ratio, at a minimum.

So, any guesses on what movements will be in WOD 1?

3 replies
  1. mel
    mel says:

    500 pistols, maximum height standing box jump, 1 mile – blindfolded 50 pound sled pull with jingle bells on both ankles, cotton ball stacking contest, ping pong ball juggling, 10×50 meter unicycle sprints with 13 burpee pullups after each sprint and finish up with weighted potato sack jumps up 80 flights of stairs. Hey coach, put me in, I got this one!

  2. Martha
    Martha says:

    Sweet! I can’t wait. Mel, that sounds like a good day of fun. Personally hoping for an AMRAP, or I may be out 🙁

  3. Faith
    Faith says:

    Awesome Mel! I am so going to crush the blindfold sled pull! I can put the blindfold on the judge, right?? Then I can just make a bunch of noise and yell “time!”

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