Channeling My Inner Faith

Some of you will remember and others will call me a liar but Faith had this little pet peeve that I’ve adopted. Ok, Faith had lots of pet peeves such as “don’t let Craig talk about my pet peeves” … but I digress.

Today, we’re focusing on Faith’s insistence that, if you use a thin band for pull ups, YOU DO NOT NEED THAT BAND FOR PULL UPS. Apparently, I went on a little tirade today at 6 and 8:15 and took all the thin bands down before we started the WOD. At least I threw Faith under the bus while doing it :).

The bigger thing here is this: every single one of you is far stronger and more capable than you often give yourselves credit for. So, today was a day where several had to face their inner pull up demon and then proceeded to crush them. It was AWESOME to see!

Today’s WOD was brought to you by the letter C, for “Oh Shit Not Another F#$%ing Girl WOD!”

20 minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats

Why the hell does Craig keep shoving his camera in my face? Oh, crap! Is this going to end up on the blog? Yes, yes it is!

Why the hell does Craig keep shoving his camera in my face? Oh, crap! Is this going to end up on the blog? Yes, yes it is!

5 replies
  1. Faith
    Faith says:

    No problem throwing me under the bus and taking up the cause! Bands are great when you are learning pull-ups and building strength, but at some point they just have to go! Yes, you might be slower without the band, but it ain’t always about speed! Sometimes it is all about building strength, confidence and patience!

  2. Martha
    Martha says:

    Someone went to the Level 1 CrossFit Trainer course! I know that shirt, Jackie! Let’s give a shout out to our CrossFit athletes doing awesome things outside the hypoxic box.

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