The CrossFit Games, Ouray Style

Check out our own leader board. Anyone notice anything?

Here, let me point this out. The stronger you are, the nearer you are to the top of the board. Not doing the CrossFit Games workouts because you didn’t want to because (fill in the blank reason here). You are missing an opportunity to test yourself a little with your team mates. It’s always good to test yourself and see what you have and where you are. Not as a comparison, but just a test, for yourself, within yourself, because you can. You know, push yourself a little and see what you have.

But we test ourselves every day, right? Mostly. But it’s more fun when others are watching and cheering and helping.

Take these next three Sundays and show up, cheer on your friends, and test yourself. We’ll be watching…and so will you.

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