First Week of Our Smolov, Jr. Shoulder Press Cycle is in the Books

Week 1 of the Smolov strength cycle is in the books! I don’t want to speak for anyone else out there but I thought today was HARD. Man those presses got freaking heavy late in the game!

Also forgot to record yesterday’s Olympic work.

Olympic Lifting (Thurs)
Hang Cleans
11x 1 @ 80%

Front Squats
7x 3 @ 60%

10 Atlas Stone to Shoulders
5x 6 GHD Sit Ups

Smolov, Jr.

Week 1, Day 4
10x 3 @ 85% – 1127.5 lb.

7 Power Cleans 95 lb./65lb.
5 Front Squats 95 lb./65lb.
SPRINT 50 meters

It’s amazing to me how, if you really try (just try) to sprint, it completely changes the workout.

Hope you all have a great weekend!