
Moving heavy weight and moving bodyweight during the same workout turns out to be quite entertaining,

Mobility:  PNF stretch hip flexor and hammies.  Shoulders on the bands.


Clean and Jerk 95/135   1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1

One round of Cindy         1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Woo Hoo!  Get your groove on today.

And a few had a special opportunity to do a version of Murph…in the snow.

Run 2 miles in the snow.  Then complete each exercise before moving to the next.

100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats.  All done with a 20 pound weight vest of body armour.

Great work today guys.  Enjoy your rest day.

3 replies
  1. Martha
    Martha says:

    This is my “I have a big smile NOT because I am done, but because I still have 50 squats left #%$*!” Do you see the pleading in my eyes? Great job everyone. I want to do this again soon with partitioning for minimum time. You all in?

  2. Faith
    Faith says:

    It was inspiring to watch you guys do Snurph. Parker’s bloody ankles, Aimee smiling while wearing a weight vest, and Martha knocking out 7 muscle ups afterwards–just because she can!
    Martha, I like Murph, but I am not so sure I would like Snurph! 🙂

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