It’s almost like summer

So it was a bit overcast and grey this morning, it was still the first morning without ice, snow, and mud.  You know what that means!  We run, but just a little bit.

It’s also worthy to note that during this month of birthdays, SOMEONE had a birthday and we wish her the best of days and hope this is the best year ever.  We’re sworn to secrecy as to the actual number of years and the person, so you’ll have to guess.  All we can say is that she still has it!

Mobility: KB for shoulders

Benchpress 3-2-1-1-1-1-1


Four rounds for time:

10 pull ups, 15 push ups, run around the roundabout and back.

Great job on smoking this workout today.  Also, congratulations to everyone who got a new one rep max PR on the benchpress as well as everyone who pushed hard and gave all they had today.  Sounds like another ordinary day, doesn’t it.

Running class starts this evening at 6:30 and will last about 45 minutes.  We will perform running drills and then have a running specific workout.  Come join the fun.

And finally, don’t forget, Tuesday night beginning at 6pm at Panny’s, we will be joining in a send off for Ruth as she is heading to Alaska to run sled dogs on a glacier all summer long.  Hope to see everyone there for the big send off.