
Tonight at 6 pm at Panny’s in Ridgway, join the crew to say goodbye to Ruth as she is leaving us for about five months to travel to and from Alaska and guide sled dogs on a glacier.  Pretty cool summer job eh?  We’ll miss you while you’re gone, Ruth.  Be safe and hurry home.  Enjoy your adventure.

Mobility: Hip flexor

Warm up:

Two times not for time:  row 200m, 30 double unders, 15 Russian KB swings, 10 push ups, Burgener warm up (pvc, weighted)


Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

AGAIN, we had more PR’s today.  Another big day for increasing numbers.  Thanks for all of your hard work and persistence.  It’s awesome to see new accomplishments.

Running class started last night and we braved it in the rain.  Hopefully, we won’t have rain during tomorrow night’s class.  Snow anyone?

And in the near future, watch for an extra fun workout involving more time and more work than normal.  Where is Kevin when you need him?  On a glacier himself?  We’ll see when he returns before he leaves again…