The Last Smolov, Jr Lifting Day

Today marks the end of our Smolov, Jr. Shoulder Press cycle. We’ll take the next 6 days off from shoulder presses (and do minimal shoulder work) and go for a new 1-rep max on Thursday, June 26. Should be fun!

Since today also marks the end of my run of programming at Hypoxia and in honor of this momentous occasion, we’re having ribs. Oh, sorry. That’s from the Simpsons, not CrossFit. What I meant was, in honor of this momentous occasion, we are gong to end my run on a somewhat goofy and silly, but still hard, note (and think we did just that).

Smolov, Jr.
Week 3, Day 4 … FINAL LIFTING DAY!!!!
10x 3 @ 85% +/-5 lb. from last week

Couplets from Hell
You pick 3 of the 4 couplets from below and may order them however you like.
Each couplet is done as a 3 minute AMRAP.
Immediately upon completion of the AMRAP, Run 200 meters.
After the 200 meter run, rest 90 seconds.
Go again.

Couplet 1:
6 Deadlifts 135 lb./95 lb.
6 Box Jumps 24”/20”

Couplet 2:
20 Double Unders
6 Sit Ups

Couplet 3:
6 Pull Ups
6 Thrusters 75 lb./55 lb.

Couple 4:
6 American KB Swings 52 lb. (1.5 pood)/33 lb. (1 pood)
1 50 meter Sprint

The trick couplet in this set? #4 is the worst one … not #3, the Frannish one. Shocked? Me, too. But trust me … it is the worst (Sprinting is evil).

The best part, however, is watching CrossFitters trying to figure out how the MetCon works. So. Much. Fun!