Nutrition challenge 2012

This is a Paleo nutrition challenge.  Part one is 28 days beginning February 6, 2012 and ending March 4, 2012.  If you are strict during this phase, you will see great results.

What do you eat? EAT REAL FOOD! Meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, little salt and starches, no sugar, and limit your fruit intake to less than two cups per day.  Our goal is to level our insulin response and level cravings we may have for an overabundance of high glycemic carbs. 

Stay away from gluten, grains, and processed foods.  For the sake of our challenge, moderate amounts of sweet potatoes are alright especially after a big day out skiing, climbing, snowshoeing or some other outdoor activity.

Workout at least three times per week.  Drink at least 1/2 your bodyweight in ounces of water every day.  Stay hydrated. Coffee? You can have coffee, but try to limit it to 2 cups a day. If you normally use dairy in your coffee, use whipping cream instead.

Balance.  Protein 19%-35%, Fat 28%-35%, Carbohydrates 22%-40%. Try to have some of all three every time you eat.

How do you feel, how do you look, how do you perform? These are the key questions to gauge how it is working for you.

For this challenge, part two will begin March 4 and run another 28 days. For part two, you can take a few liberties.  If you want to add dairy in moderate amounts, then do so.  If you want a some dark chocolate for your sweet tooth, ok.  If you want an cheat meal, a drink, or some rice, add it in small quantities first and then analyze how it makes you feel the next day.

Ask, ask, ask…and if you have any questions, ask! There are numerous places to find information, just remember that there are various interpretations of what paleo means, and you will find some conflicting information. Bottom line, it is YOUR diet and you need to see how it is working for you.

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  1. […] into our nutrition challenge. Are you signed up and on the program? What is the program? See this post and read all about it. We are improving our performance by improving our fuel. If you haven’t […]

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