Pet Rock? That Sounds Fun.

Nope. Definitely not fun.

Well, okay. It was a little fun.

Alright, fine. It was really fun.

Several us thought the KB hold part would be a break of sorts ... um, nope. It wasn't. It actually sucked :)!

Several us thought the KB hold part would be a break of sorts … um, nope. It wasn’t. It actually sucked :)!

And a big thank you to yoghurt maker, Maureen, for braving the rigors of a CrossFit Sunday WOD and gracing us all with her presence (she’s so kind and awesome and I’m just hoping she reads this and I get a little credit for not acting like an asshole to her all the time!).

And what a Sunday WOD it was! Pet Rock is a blast but it’s a doozy. It’s done with a partner (more details below the WOD listing).

Pet Rock
Reps & Movement (Kettle Bell hold)
Row 1000 meters (free)
150 Sit Ups (press)
125 Push Ups (farmer)
100 Pull Ups (goblet)
75 Ball Slams 20 lb/12 lb. (press)
50 Ring Dips (farmer)

Kettle Bells for the hold:
1.5 pood (~53 lb.)/ 1 pood (~36 lb.)

While 1 partner works, the other partner performs the Kettle Bell hold that is noted in parentheses after each movement above.

Should the Kettle Bell hit the ground at any point, each of the partners must immediate stop and do 15 burpees. The Kettle Bell may touch the ground if the partners are using different KB weights. Otherwise, keep that junk off the ground!

Thanks to our three drop-ins (Tony, Aaron and Melanie) for coming down to play today. Aaron and Melanie are the owners and coaches at Awesome CrossFit in Delta. If you get a chance, take your WOD show on the road and drop in for a workout.