
Mobility of your choice.  Choose a weakness.

Practice your rowing stroke.


Annie, plus size.

50-40-30-20-10, double unders/sit ups: 30 pull ups, 30 push ups.

Remember where you live

Keep going strong with the nutrition challenge.  The better your fuel, the better your performance.  Changing your nutrition is a very personal decision that most people are not willing to commit too.  However, as you think about cheating on your challenge, think about how many times you thought about how you wanted to look different, feel better, or be better, faster or stronger.  Stick with it.  This first phase is only 28 days out of your entire life…28 days…it is such a short time…You can do anything for 28 days.

Will you?  It’s only a decision away.  You can do it, each and every one who makes the decision.