Sunday Warriors

Sure there was snow. Sure there were some tired little people from two nights of the Nutcracker. But the Hard and The Strong made it for some snow day fun. It’s rumored that even a few hit the slopes after the workout to enjoy the white stuff falling from the sky.

Russian KB swings 70/52
Push ups
Box jumps 24/20
2x double unders

We have colored tape on the kettlebells for the different weights. Don’t know what that means? Learn the weights as they are written on the matching tape on the floor where the kettlebells find their homes. That way, your team mates don’t have to hear you say for the hundredth time, “which one is that?” Just like having a log book lets you be responsible for knowing what your last one rep max was, you can be responsible for your health and workout by know what it means when you are swinging the RED kettlebell. Our favorite recently was this response to “go get the skull”…”Which one is that?”

Did you see the December challenge on the board? Well, it’s there. Kettlebell snatch. Five minutes. Who among us will take the challenge and meet the standard? Who dares try? Guess we’ll see pretty soon…