Team Cindy? Heck Yeah

No, the title is not some semi-obscure Twilight or Jennifer Aniston-Angelina Jolie reference. Alan came up with a really fun WOD today that can only be called, Team Cindy … and this is how it went.

In teams of 3, one person is at each “station” for 3 rounds and then you rotate. So, as an example, Aimee started at the pull up bar, Martha was on push up and Barb began at squats. Aimee knocked out the 5 pull ups, then Martha did his 10 push ups, then Barb did the 15 squats. We did that 3 times and then Barb moved to pull ups, Martha to squats and Aimee to push ups and so on for 20 minutes.

It was a total blast!

Team Cindy:
20 minute AMRAP
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

And because that was not enough, a few of us braved The Gauntlet, which has fast become the post-Sunday WOD tradition.

The Gauntlet:
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps 24”/20”
15 Sledgehammer Swings
5 Tire Flips
2 Muscle Ups
1 Clean & Jerk 135 lb./95 lb.

See how much fun this looks?!?!

See how much fun this looks?!?!

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