The End of an Awesome Week

It was an absolutely great week at Hypoxia! We had lots of athletes at each workout and even got to see some familiar faces return to the fold. Couldn’t ask for more … except maybe an easier WOD today :)!

NO REP! Man, we're tough here at Hypoxia.

NO REP! Man, we’re tough here at Hypoxia.

Warm Up:
5 Ring Dips
10 Mountain Climbers (2-count)
20 Sledgehammer Swings

100 Single Jump Ropes (or 25 Double Unders)

Hip Flexor on wall
Calves on wall
Pain ball vs. feet and hamstrings

Front Squat 135 lb./95 lb.
Clapping Push Ups
Sit Ups

Then, immediately, after:
30 Power Cleans 135 lb./95 lb.

That's exactly how I felt cleaning today as well, Jill!

That’s exactly how I felt cleaning today as well, Jill!

Hope you all have a great weekend and get out to enjoy some of this “warmer” weather!

7 replies
  1. coachcraig
    coachcraig says:

    I’m still working on the design … not happy with what I’ve come up with and been a little swamped with hoops of late. Trying very hard to wrap it up ASAP!

  2. Martha
    Martha says:

    Let me know if you need help. Designed one before I realized you were working on it. Pretty excited for the first shirts since I started. Snap snap 🙂

  3. Martha
    Martha says:

    We should get a pre-order with colors and sizes from everyone once said design is done. (Afraid I’d forget to bring it up in person. Now back to my very busy schedule. Pfff)

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