The Return of Benchmark Saturdays

It’s that time of year … Benchmark Saturdays are back!

What Are You Talking About?
Last November, we opened the gym for a few Saturdays so that everyone at the box had the opportunity to come down, pick a benchmark workout and get some. Those that did all of the Benchmark Saturdays last year were rewarded with a super-cool bracelet. More super-cool, awesome prizes await those CrossFit enough to take on the challenge this year.

What the $#@& is a Benchmark?
In CrossFit, we have a series of workouts that are named after either a lady or a hero (scroll down the linked page to get to the Ladies and Heroes, or, check in the back of one of our gym notebooks for a list of these workouts).

Benchmark WODs are particularly tough and are used as a basis for gauging your physical fitness. As you select your benchmarks, pick ones that you can do as prescribed (i.e., Rx) so that you are getting a true test from the WOD. For myself, this means nothing with muscle ups because, well, I still don’t have muscle ups. I also don’t have double unders but that’s a whole other rant.

The Schedule
The gym will be open on the following three Saturdays at 9 AM for the Benchmark WODs: October 20th, October 27th, and November 3rd.

The Cost
$15 for all 3 Benchmark WODs

The Plan
Here’s what we want you to do:

  1. Pick three Benchmark WODs
  2. Do one of them on each of the Saturdays noted above
  5. In April, when we do our next Benchmark Saturdays, do these same WODs. This will allow you to get a good sense of how your fitness has improved over the 6 months between now and next April. Pretty smart, huh? (don’t answer that).

Helpful Advice
If you are interested, checkout the CrossFit Journal article on benchmarks.The article is a bit dated (it’s from 2006) so it does not list all the benchmark workouts we now have but has some good advice about tackling them.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. Get out, if the weather will cooperate that is, and have some fun!