Time is drawing near…

Better get signed up. It’s a rest day. You’re either out playing, working, or resting. Sign up for the CrossFit Games now! If not, Faith will make fun of us…in a good natured way. We got this text today…”You better get on your people. I have one more person registered for the Open than you!”

She’s right! Join the fun.


Yesterday, oh what fun we had. And I mean, everyone, had fun!!!

Warm up
100 Russian kettle bell swings
Pain ball on feet
Max effort broad jump
Max effort vertical jump

40 burpees
20 front squats at 70% of one rep max
40 burpees

You all did this workout and it is a Games style workout. You have no excuse…no GOOD excuse for not playing with all of our teammates.

Get in the game. You’re a CrossFitter. That’s what we do.
