Training Camp begins

Here we go boys and girls. Stating the obvious…we live in the mountains and have a playground other folks around the world spend money and time off to visit. And we get to live here every day. We have all made that decision, regardless of our motivation.

Part of what we do at the gym is prepare for where we live and our leisure activities. Part of what we do here is prepare to be better at our jobs and at parenting and playing.

Our job as coaches is to help you be the best you can be physically and mentally so you can be better at your pursuits, whatever they may be. From time to time, our training reflects some selfish activities some of us pursue depending on the season in the mountains. We must sacrifice something to gain something else. For example, if we pursue max strength, we may sacrifice some physical speed.

We live in the mountain playground of the southern Rocky Mountains and summer is right around the corner. April is one of our traditional mud months and it’s time to get us all ready for summer in the mountains. Our training camp is part of this preparation.

Our goals here are threefold: 1) get stronger and more durable, 2) gain body awareness through gymnastic movements, and 3) increase our work capacity for long days playing outside.

Embrace the suck of our training camp and enjoy the camaraderie as we suffer with our friends. You’ll be happy you did.

And summer will improve because you’ll be better, stronger, and faster than you were last year.

Today’s workout:
AMRAP 20 minutes
Run 200
50 American KB swings
20 push ups
10 T2B
Row 500
20 Wall ball

Don’t forget to come at 6pm for the second workout of the day.SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURES