Is it winter again?

It’s hard to tell sometimes what month it is when you live in little mountain villages in the southern San Juan mountains. Wind, snow, hail, and freezing temperatures are signs of May around here. And winter storm warnings in May surely portend a lush summer, right?

So, how’s the food challenge going? Not so bad from what we heard during the first week at the gym. And the cheat day was glorious, right? Stick with it and you’ll continue to see changes.

You may have noticed a few things about our programming. Over the previous six months we have been focused on getting strong with differing strength cycles, the last of which was benchpress. We are moving to more met-cons and endurance training as we head toward summer in the mountains for the benefit of all of the fun outdoor things we do around here.

But not to worry, you won’t lose your gains. Strength is slow to acquire but slow to go as well. Embrace the workouts, all of them, as we have a plan that focuses on making us better every day. We have some fun activities for June, which is right around the corner.

But today…
We Squat. Enjoy.