Another Fun Team(ish) Sunday

Thanks to all who braved the ice and crappy morning to come on down and get a fun workout in.

Warm Up:
All Skate

All Stretch

In teams of 3 or 4 (as numbers allow)
1 minute calorie row
1 minute American kettle bell swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
1 minute burpees
1 minute double unders
Rest 1 minute

In teams of 4, each member is at a ‘station’ for a minute and you rotate through all four stations before taking the 1 minute rest as a team. In teams of 3, rotate between the row, burpees, and kettle bells and then do the double unders as a group (i.e., all 3 at the same time) before you take the 1 minute rest.

Don’t have a team to play with? Then you can always do this one:
Stoopid Knee 1.0
10 Ring Rows
8 Wall Ball Sit Ups – 30 lb. ball
6 Seated Shoulder Presses – 65 lb.
4 Left-leg Pistols (do 4 left and 4 right if you actually have two working knees)
30-second plank hold

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday/weekend and be sure to get out and have some fun! January’s contest is almost over and we must pull our resources together to stop the Alartha train from wrecking us all!