Now THAT Was a Bear

Pure evil, this was … but in a good masochistic way, of course.

Warm Up:
5 Ring Dips
10 Box Jumps
15 Push Ups
20 Mountain Climbers

PNF Hamstring
Calves on walls
PVC Pass-through
Shoulders on bands
Pain ball vs. feet and shoulders

100 Pull Ups OR 100 Thrusters (95 lb./65 lb.)

BUT ….
Every 2 minutes, stop the movement you chose and do 10 reps of the other movement before returning to your originally chosen movement (the 10 reps of the other movement do not count toward your 100).

The month is fast coming to a close (how are we at the end of January already?), so get out and get as much exercise and activity in as you can (in the gym or out)! Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

4 replies
  1. Martha
    Martha says:

    100 pull-ups and 80 thrusters thanks to the first 25 PUs on the PVC. Great job getting through that one!

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