Entries by alan

Holiday instruction

Monday is MLK Jr. Day and we are not having classes. Your job of the day is to get outside and be sporting in some winter activity. You know, skiing, climbing, snow shoeing…just get outside and have yourself some fun.  Sunday, we’ll see you at the gym.    

Rest day

Unless you’re going outside to play. Then, it’s a play day. So, go play!   

Super Sunday

What do you do when you can’t decide what to do on a Sunday morning? First, a KB warm up: 30 seconds of each: Russian KB swings Push ups American KB swings Pledge push ups KB snatch T-stabilization push ups And now that we’re warm: Three rounds for time: 3 push press 135/95 6 ring […]


     We always have fun, although, “fun” means different things to different people. Early in the week it meant telling Keeton,”you’re so pretty.”  Today it meant convincing Joshie he had done 60 extra burpees.  We love our group!!! We included a short warm up of the KB complex that we learned yesterday. Today we increased […]