John, Morgan, and Bob

Pick a Card … Wait! Not THAT Card

What an absolutely awesome morning at the box! It was a small group as we moved inside from the park but it was a great morning for the four of us that showed, we drew cards, laughed, sucked some air, and generally hurt all over … it was awesome!

Think Deck O’ Cards looks like a “fun” WOD? Well, it is! Remember that Sundays and our Open Gym Wednesdays are chock full of these kinds of interesting and uniquely styled WODs. Get down here and join us next week!

Warm Up:
All Skate

PNF Hamstring
PVC Pass-through
Sit in squat

Deck O’ Cards
Hearts – Diamond Push Ups [95 reps]
Diamonds – Flutter Kicks (8 count) [760 reps]
Spades – Mountain Climbers (2 count) [190 reps]
Clubs – Weighted Sit Ups 45 lb./25 lb. [95 reps]
Jokers – Run 400 meters

How it Works:
Each athlete gets a chance to pick a card. The suit corresponds to the movements above, of course, but the rep scheme is as follows:
Aces = 11 reps
Jack, Queen, King = 10 reps
2-10 = well, 2-10 reps … duh.

Total Reps:
1140 + 800 meters of runs

Sunday Bad-asses (minus me, of course :)):

John, Morgan, and Bob

We rock … you all are lame for missing Sunday Funday!


1 reply
  1. Faith
    Faith says:

    Missed my sunday funday peeps! Of course, I had to have some of my own here in Gunny that involved a run, a river crossing (brrr…) and some tabata push ups! Missed you guys but glad to know you were going at it!

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