Deadlifts Are Fun!

Ok, fun might be a slight overstatement but they do happen to be one of my two favorite lifts. Can you guess the other one? There’s a prize involved if you guess it correctly*.

Warm Up:
5 Ring Dips
10 Ring Rows
15  Jumping Squats
20 Leg Levers
25 Single Jump Ropes

PNF Hamstring
Hip Flexor on Wall
Pain Ball on Glute/Ham

Deadlifts 225 lb./135 lb.
Russian Kettle Bell Swings 70 lb./53 lb.
Sit Ups

Did I mention how fun deadlifts are?

Go Lavendra!!

Food Challenge
Second day of the food challenge is today … are you drinking enough water? Cutting out that sugar? The first 1-2 weeks are tough but they are worth it … stay with it! If you have not started, it’s not too late!

*I lied. There is no prize. Suckers!

5 replies
  1. alan
    Alanalan says:

    Water is super important. At least half if your body weight in ounces every day. More active? More fluids. Good job Ruth.

  2. Kimburly
    Kimburly says:

    Day 4 for me-game on! full paleo digestion, 3 litres of H2O a day and I think I’m drowning but I feel better already. Probably psychological but better is better.

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