The Chief and a Little Levity

CrossFit is hard.
CrossFit at 6 AM is really hard.
The Chief is hard.
The Chief at 6 AM is a sadistic, evil endeavor.

But just because CrossFit is hard (and The Chief is exhausting), doesn’t mean we can’t have fun, laugh and just goof around. Half of what I love about CrossFit is just that … the kind of laughter that can only come from shared suckitude with all of you awesome people.

As such, I decided to go uber-stoopid today with my outfit … mostly to just annoy Lindsay, Jenny and Tricia but that’s another Oprah.

I can't believe Martha was willing to stand anywhere near me for this photo. She IS brave!

I can’t believe Martha was willing to stand anywhere near me for this photo. She IS brave!

For the record, I was *made* to put on the purple shoes. I started with the blacks but Lindsay, Tricia and Jenny said the purples would make me more easter bunny-ish. Sadly, they were right.

Remember everyone, have FUN with CrossFit. Enjoy it. Bust your ass every day and all the time but don’t take it, or yourself, too seriously. Also, never stand like I’m standing … lord help me, I’m just not that pretty!

El Jefe no es bueno!

El Jefe no es bueno!

Warm Up:
4 Pull Ups
6 Overhead Squats with the PVC pipe
8 Ring Rows
10 Leg Levers

PNF Hamstring
Calves on wall
Hip Flexor on wall
PVC pass-through

The Chief
3 minute AMRAP
3 Power Cleans 135 lb./95 lb.
6 Push Ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute

Yep, it's still not 'fun'

Yep, it’s still not ‘fun’